私の作品では、絵画と融合させた写真を用いて物語を表現しています。 それは絵画と写真の境界をぼかすことで、私は夢から現実へと切り離された境目を近づけています。 私は、世界中を旅しているときに魅了されたもの、私自身に意味深い記号として残されたものが、重要で目にとまる控えめな日常の物語であると信じています。 誰もが皆、自分自身に語りかけるイメージや視点をひとつの物語としてもっています。 私の作品は、哀愁を豊かな彩色や黄金色の希望に形を変えるように、現実の夢を見出だします。 私の精神や、生まれ、生い立ちに在るものは、南スイスの自然とヨーロッパの伝統の古い絵画から湧き出た心のイメージから引き出され、芸術的な音色になって浮かび上がります。 自然の顔料や塗料、金や銀箔、油彩や漆は、独創的な試みのひとつとして写真と組み合わせて使われます。
Zuihitsu (随筆) is a genre of Japanese literature consisting of loosely connected personal essays and fragmented ideas that typically respond to the author's surroundings. The name is derived from two Kanji meaning "at will" and "pen." The provenance of the term is ultimately Chinese, zuihitsu being the Sino-Japanese reading (on'yomi) of 随筆 (Mandarin: suíbǐ), the native reading (kun'yomi) of which is fude ni shitagau (“follow the brush”). Thus works of the genre should be considered not as traditionally planned literary pieces but rather as casual or randomly recorded thoughts by the authors.
There is a classical genre of Japanese literature called Zuihitsu (随筆). The word is made up of the kanji (Japanese ideograms) for “to follow” and “brush,” and is usually translated as “following the brush” or “running brush”. Zuihitsu combines fragments of text, loosely connected essays, poems, lists, word paintings, and poems; genres and styles move freely, reflecting a movement of the mind the Japanese associate with the flow of a calligraphy brush....
©Elenashirinfineartphotography| all rights reserved
©Elenashirinfineartphotography| all rights reserved
my personal tecnique take time and i will enjoy each important steps.....
it is the first print, The choice of printing's paper it it is one of the most important steps ,after i will use a pigments natural to painting and kyoto gold leaf and urushi........
In my artworks I tell stories through the narrative use of photography combined with painting. By blurring the boundaries between painting and photography, I come close to the line that divides reality from dreams. I believe that the stories of daily life, which are important as much as they can appear understated, have inspired me whilst travelling around the world, leaving a profound mark in myself. Everyone has a story to tell: images and visions speak for themselves. In my artworks, I search for the dreams of realities, to transform melancholy into colourful or golden hope. What lies inside my soul, my origins and background emerge in my artistic voice, to bring out a imagery infused with the nature of the South of Switzerland and ancient paintings of the European tradition. Natural pigments, Japanese lacca, gold and silver leaves, oil colours and urushi marry photography, in a one off series of creative experiments.
©Elenashirinfineartphotography| all rights reserved
my personal tecnique take time and i will enjoy each important steps.....
it is the first print, The choice of printing's paper it it is one of the most important steps ,after i will use a pigments natural to painting and kyoto gold leaf and urushi........
In my artworks I tell stories through the narrative use of photography combined with painting. By blurring the boundaries between painting and photography, I come close to the line that divides reality from dreams. I believe that the stories of daily life, which are important as much as they can appear understated, have inspired me whilst travelling around the world, leaving a profound mark in myself. Everyone has a story to tell: images and visions speak for themselves. In my artworks, I search for the dreams of realities, to transform melancholy into colourful or golden hope. What lies inside my soul, my origins and background emerge in my artistic voice, to bring out a imagery infused with the nature of the South of Switzerland and ancient paintings of the European tradition. Natural pigments, Japanese lacca, gold and silver leaves, oil colours and urushi marry photography, in a one off series of creative experiments.
©Elenashirinfineartphotography| all rights reserved
Under the influence of the Shintoism, water is believed to incarnate the purity and pliant simplicity of life. A spiritual connection with elements like water is believed to be a primary force in the life of a Shinto priest. Likewise, waterfalls are believed to be sacred and standing under one is thought to purify the individual.
©Elenashirinfineartphotography| all rights reserved
Under the influence of the Shintoism, water is believed to incarnate the purity and pliant simplicity of life. A spiritual connection with elements like water is believed to be a primary force in the life of a Shinto priest. Likewise, waterfalls are believed to be sacred and standing under one is thought to purify the individual.
©Elenashirinfineartphotography| all rights reserved